Game Plan and Strategy
These are the immediate needs as I see them for the park:
— Clean up/rake out glass in southern area of park.
— Paint fence and tops of light poles black.
— Rake mulch from fallen tree to fill holes and cover southern area. Fill in holes around center area.
— Replace glass in message box in SW corner. Install new message box in NE corner.
— Install and refresh dog bag stations around park.
— Pressure wash and repaint sections of water feature in children's park.
— Check on plantings in central garden in spring.
— Maintain and enforce reseeded fields in center of park.
— Replant trees in park and in street boxes.
— Replace 2 broken lights near children’s park and street lights around park (i.e. corner of Wilson and Weirfield).
Here's my game plan for the year:
1. Schedule first community park clean up in the next 3 weeks to gather members and begin relaunch of "Friends of". Introduce neighbors to the civic agencies looking after the park.
2. Return the fenced area in the south to usable condition. Work with dog owners and community to encourage all dogs to use the area and absolutely not the children's park.
3. Give the children's park a good update. Paint, pressure wash, clean up the play mat.
4. Request a formal appearance with CB4 in the spring.
5. Work with community partners (senior center, elementary school, church, film studios, local businesses) to plan volunteer events and free activities (movie, concert, BBQ?) throughout the year.
6. Schedule a park clean up later in the year.
7. Towards the end of the summer, begin a campaign to install a formal dog run.
Of course, these are my points and open to any comments or suggestions.