Irving Square Park is getting a Dog Run!

After over a decade of dedicated community input, planning support from NYParks, and a pledge of over $1.2mil from CM Sandy Nurse, BK Community Board 4 voted to approve a formal dog run in Irving Square Park!

Expected delivery: Summer 2027

Thank you for your support in realizing this dream 🌳

Irving Square Park is for all of Bushwick’s Generations

In addition to the dog run, NYParks will bring back the lawns in the south and center as they once were, has built the Portland Loo with daily cleanings, and has plans to upgrade the playground.


After collecting hundreds of opinions from the community and based on contemporary design practice from NYParks, the Run will feature:

•Separate runs for Large and Small dogs

•Double door entrance from Halsey Street

•Planting buffer to insulate sound, smell from the run

•5’ fences along interior, 4.5’ fences along exterior

•Synthetic turf to allow for drainage and cleaning

•Benches, water fountains, and new waste bins

NYParks surveyed the entire park and chose the field in the northeast corner due to its appropriate size, even elevation for good drainage, and access to existing sidewalk.